BuyVM supports the most popular operating systems and their derivatives including *BSD, Debian, Redhat based distributions, Turnkey Linux (100+ free easy-to-use software solutions), Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows. All operating systems are included for free.
FreeBSD is an opensource Unix based operating system with an incredibly powerful networking stack. FreeBSD aims to be a general purpose server operating system and includes key features like IPFW, and ZFS, everything BTRFS wants to be.
OpenBSD is an opensource Unix based operating system with security being their main focal point. OpenBSD originally introduced Packet Filter (PF), a feature rich firewall engine, and OpenSSH.
DragonflyBSD is based from FreeBSD but has spun off to focus on being highly scalable. DragonflyBSD also created the HAMMER filesystem, an advanced filesystem supporting snapshots and is never inconsistent.
NetBSD aims to be a clean portable operating system that can be run on everything, including toasters.
Debian is one of the oldest Linux distributions still being maintained. Debian includes one of the largest application libraries at over 50,000+ maintained packages.
Debian forms the basis of such Linux distributions as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and KNOPPIX.
VIEW DEBIAN OPERATING SYSTEMSRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a Linux distribution developed by Red Hat and targeted toward the commercial market.
CentOS is community supported build of RHEL, providing full binary compatibility for cPanel, Oracle, MySQL, and many other enterprise platforms.
Fedora is a desktop driven, community supported, Linux distribution. Fedora releases new versions approximately every 6 months and supports their releases for approximately 13 months.
VIEW REDHAT FAMILY OPERATING SYSTEMSTurnkey GNU/Linux is a free Debian based library of system images that pre-integrates and polishes the best free software components into secure, easy to use solutions.
VIEW TURNKEY LINUX OPERATING SYSTEMSUbuntu is a Debian derived Linux Distribution. Originally designed for the desktop, Ubuntu has grown to be the foundation of many large cloud infrastructures today.
Ubuntu's Long Term Support (LTS) editions are released every 2 years and are provided security updates for 5 years.
Microsoft® Windows Server™ is a must-have operating system for customers wishing to host DotNet applications, as well as Exchange Server, SQL Server, and many other proprietary platforms.